Home Learning

Please see below for details of the home learning you can expect from the school for your child:

Each week, children in Years 1-6 are set home learning on their Class' Google Classroom as the platform (apart from Year 6 who use their planners) for sharing the following weekly tasks:

- Spellings (supported by Spelling Shed)
- A short maths task linked to the learning that has taken place that week (supported by Mathletics)
- An additional Maths Fluency task (sometimes supported by Times Table Rockstars)
- 20 minutes daily reading (monitored through the children's Reading Records)

There is a guide below for how to log into Google Classroom for the first time, and a further video tour by Mr Adams, our Computing Lead.

As mentioned above, we highly recommend 20 minutes of reading every day as this significantly supports a child's development in relation not only to reading, but also vocabulary, grammar, spelling and writing.

The Heber Home Learning Policy for Years 1-6 can be found here.


Each week the children will be given a reading scheme book that is to be read at home. This reading book will link closely to the child's phonetical awareness and run alongside the phonic sounds and letters that the children have been learning. Wordless books may also be sent home as they considerably support a child's story comprehension.

The children are encouraged to change their 'shared reading book' everyday. They can select a book from the wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts that are available at school. Reading daily with your child is hugely beneficial to not only their reading development, but also their language and comprehension development.

Mathletics log ins will be given to each child so that they are able to access the Maths platform. Each child is able to access the programme at their own pace.

There will be a weekly Reception Newsletter details the range of learning that the children have been covering across the week. This includes all phonemes, graphemes and tricky words from their phonics sessions and also outlines the main Maths focus for the week. This supports parents/carers in being able to continue this learning at home.


Reading books with your child is one of the main foci for Nursery aged children. The children are supported in changing their 'shared reading book' everyday. They can select a book from the wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts that are available at school. Reading daily with your child is hugely beneficial to not only their reading development but also they language and comprehension development. ​

In the Summer term of Nursery, some children will be offered a reading scheme book. These will only be sent home if the child is completely secure within their phase 1 phonetical awareness. This means the child has a secure knowledge of rhyme, being able to recite a number of rhymes from memory, shows an awareness of print around them and can confidently orally blend and segment sounds in spoken words.

How To Use Google Classroom

See below document explaining how to log into Google Classroom for the first time and how to join the right class.

Google Classroom Log In Guide


Below is also a handy video by Mr. Adams explaining how Google Classroom works. 


How Can I Further Support What My Child Learns at School?

Maths Fluency (that is the children's mastery of number facts like times tables, number bonds, and the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) continues to be a focus at Heber. Below you can find every year group's 'Fluency Expectations for All' document. Supporting your child with these milestones will have a significant impact on their mathematical development.

Fluency Expectations for All, Years 1-6

Additional Learning Resources

In addition to this provision, below you will find a list of useful resources that you can draw on at any time to support your child’s learning at home.