
We are incredibly proud of our children for all of their achievements. Our most recent results highlight the relentless hard work and commitment that our pupils and staff have given to ensure strong academic success.

2024 Data

The following tables show the percentage of children who have met and those who have exceeded the national expectations in the Early Years, Year 1 phonics screening and Key Stage 2 SATs.

You can also view our data on DfE Performance Tables

Reception Good Level of Development

School 2024 National 2023
81% 67%

Year 1 Phonics Test 

School 2024 National 2023
87% 79%

 Year 6 Attainment

  School 2024 National 2024
  Expected Standard Greater Depth Expected Standard Greater Depth
Reading 87% 49% 73% Unknown
Writing 79% 23% 71% Unknown
Maths 87% 44% 73% Unknown
GPS* 87% 54% 72% Unknown
R,W,M** 79% 15% 60% Unknown

* GPS - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test

** R, W, M - % of pupils who achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined